Saturday, 14 June 2014

When initialization occurs in an interface?

    • According to Java language specification, initialization of an interface consists of executing the initializers for fields declared in the interface. Before a class is initialized, its direct superclass must be initialized.
    • But interfaces implemented by the class need not be initialized. Similarly, the superinterfaces of an interface need not be initialized before the interface is initialized. Initialization of an interface does not, of itself, cause initialization of any of its superinterfaces.
    • Following is example for this :
    • The reference to J.i is to a field that is a compile-time constant; therefore, it does not cause I to be initialized. The reference to K.j is a reference to a field actually declared in interface J that is not a compile-time constant; this causes initialization of the fields of interface J, but not those of its superinterface I, nor those of interface K. Despite the fact that the name K is used to refer to field j of interface J, interface K is not initialized.
    • System.out.println(J.i); // The i variable is inherited from I but since it is a constant - you don't have to go through the whole process of initializing I, just reference it and get on with things.
    • System.out.println(K.j); // now this is more complicated. Since the variable holds something other than a constant, the first thing that we have to do is initialize J so that we can figure out what to DO to come up with the value of j.
    • Initializing interface J causes variable j to be initialized first: executing Test.out("j",3) which prints j=3, and setting the variable j to 3 (note the return type on the method). Now jj is initialized executing Test.out("jj",4) which prints jj=4 and sets the variable jj to 4.
    • Now that initialization is done we can evaluate and execute the println for K.j which prints the current value of j which is 3.

      An Array of Characters is Not a String

      • In the Java programming language, unlike C, an array of char is not a String, and neither a String nor an array of char is terminated by '\u0000' (the NULL character)
      • A String object is immutable, that is, its contents never change, while an array of char has mutable elements.
      • The method toCharArray in class String returns an array of characters containing the same character sequence as a String. The class StringBuffer implements useful methods on mutable arrays of characters.

      Array Store Exception

      For an array whose type is A[], where A is a reference type, an assignment to a component of the array is checked at run time to ensure that the value being assigned is assignable to the component.

      If the type of the value being assigned is not assignment-compatible with the component type, an ArrayStoreException is thrown.

      • The variable pa has type Point[] and the variable cpa has as its value a reference to an object of type ColoredPoint[]. 
      • A ColoredPoint can be assigned to a Point; therefore, the value of cpa can be assigned to pa.
      • A reference to this array pa, for example, testing whether pa[1] is null, will not result in a run-time type error. 
      • This is because the element of the array of type ColoredPoint[] is a ColoredPoint, and every ColoredPoint can stand in for a Point, since Point is the superclass of ColoredPoint.
      • On the other hand, an assignment to the array pa can result in a run-time error. At compile time, an assignment to an element of pa is checked to make sure that the value assigned is a Point. 
      • But since pa holds a reference to an array of ColoredPoint, the assignment is valid only if the type of the value assigned at run time is, more specifically, a ColoredPoint. 
      • The Java Virtual Machine checks for such a situation at run time to ensure that the assignment is valid; if not, an ArrayStoreException is thrown.